{4} Things We Learned from the Solar EclipseWhen you work with and service the largest hospitals in the state of South Carolina, you can't shut down for events like the 2017 Solar...
The Office People™ Receives The Roaring Twenties 2017 Award for Large CompaniesThe Office People™ has been named one of the 40 fastest-growing companies in South Carolina for 2017 by SC Biz News. Twenty large...
Why Your IT Department Wishes You Had Someone Else To Deal With PrintersYou're feverishly trying to get your latest sales report printed for the management team. You've spent the better part of the last two...
{5} Advantages of Digital Signage and Where to Find ItDigital signage can be found wherever consumers are. There are numerous reasons why this medium has become a popular alternative to...
{6} Things to Know Before Buying Your Next Office CopierChoosing your office copier can be very overwhelming. Here are {6} key things to know before making your next big purchase. 1. COLOR...